Faith Miller-Hooks


“I only recently got into the hair industry at the age of 18, and it seriously changed my quality of life. Originally working reception in the aesthetics and massage industry, I never felt I had the opportunity to make connections and form intimate relationship, like my extroverted self was used to. I have always been a very expressive and passionate individual and working at Style & Grace showed me that those parts of me deserve to thrive! Giving me that confidence, I am now more secure in my future than ever; Recently being accepted into a top fashion school in Barcelona, Spain, I feel like I have found my people and my passion! I have always been a lover of all things arts and experiencing the divine works and immense amount of care that comes through these doors, is the greatest inspiration.”

Where are you from originally?: Las Vegas, NV

Hobbies and interests: Vintage Fashion, wardrobe styling, and creative projects

Meet the Team

6015 S. Ft. Apache #160, Las Vegas, Nevada






(702) 454-7993